This is the video presentation of RURALIZATION. RURALIZATION is a H2020 project aiming at investigating the causes of demographic decline in EU rural areas and identifying and implementing innovative practices to generate stimulating opportunities for economic and social sustainability in rural contexts.
Listen to some of the RURALIZATION promising practices analysed in the framework of the project work package 5 on rural newcomers and new entrants into farming
Are you keen on the RURALIZATION process? Our project is already half way through, watch this storytelling video to get an idea of what has happened so far
Domenico, Miriam and Giovanna run since 2014 the cooperative 'Nido di Seta' in the Italian region of Calabria. Their rural dream was to regain the ancient tradition of the region: silkworm breeding.
The mid-term conference was another stepping stone to present the initial outcomes of the project in order to provide novel options for policy makers and practical tools for rural actors. The consortium of RURALIZATION aims to further develop a novel perspective for rural areas to trigger a process of ruralisation as counterforce to urbanisation which is significantly connected to EC’s long-term visions for rural areas and related priorities such as stronger, connected, prosperous and resilient.
The project's Final International Conference was organised on 20 April 2023 in Brussels. Hosted by the European Committee of the Regions, this event with experts and stakeholders provided a space for presenting the main outputs of the project, considering all the lessons learned throughout the four years of the project.
After presenting the project, policy options to fulfil rural dreams were analysed during an interactive workshop. This was followed by a "Rural Tales" session in which young farmers and entrepreneurs shared their own stories. Finally, representatives of the European Commission, the Rural Youth NEET Network and other stakeholders and experts discussed how specific European policies could contribute to the ruralisation process.
This is the recording of the webinar organised on September 15, 2020. This first webinar addressed the impact of COVID-19 mainly in EU rural contexts and counted with the participation of EC representatives, EU networks like Rural Youth Europe and the European Youth Forum and other H2020 projects such as RURITAGE and NEWBIE. At the same time we had the opportunity to hear directly from young people how COVID-19 impacted them and how they adapt and transform their businesses and life to cope with this global health crisis.
This is the recording of the 1st Webinar ' Trends affecting regeneration of rural areas in Europe' of the serie of webinars for policy makers 'Sharing Research Insights for Policy Making'. The event was held on February 25th, 2021 and aimed at sharing the results of an extensive trend analysis and further contributing to the Long-term Vision of Rural Areas promoted by the European Commission.
The report produced by RURALIZATION on the extensive trend analysis exercise carried out in 2019-2020 was presented together with the results of the SHERPA activities on the Long-term Vision of Rural Areas. The knowledge produced by both projects will serve as basis for a discussion among researchers, policy makers and practitioners.
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