Ruralization Polish National Conference
26 marzo, 2021 - 10:00 am - 26 marzo, 2021 - 3:00 pmRESULTS OF THE "RURALIZATION" RESEARCH PROJECT, 26.03.2021, on-line (MS Teams)
10:00โ10:20 - Introduction of the participants
10:20โ10:30 - Basic information about the โRuralizationโ project dr hab. Sylwia Doลzbลasz (Uniwersytet Wrocลawski)
10:30โ11:00 - Results of the project achieved so far
1. Trends related to rural areas in Europe
2. Future dreams of young Europeans
mgr inลผ. Robert Skrzypczyลski (Uniwersytet Wrocลawski)
11:00โ11:45 - Discussion: The role of national and regional stakeholders in spurring rural regeneration
11:45โ12:00 - Summary
Event description
The conference was described as fairly successful. The target group of this event was mostly public administration of various levels. In practice, most participants of the meeting came from three national agencies โ the National Network of Rural Areas (KSOW), National Centre for Agricultural Advisory Services in Brwinรณw (CDR) and National Centre for Agricultural Support (KOWR) โ as well as from a regional stakeholder, the Institute for Territorial Development (IRT), which is a development and planning agency forming part of the regional government of Lower Silesia. Apart from this core group, the meeting was also attended by some individual participants from local and regional administration, educational institutions and private persons.
The meeting was mostly structured around regional issues โ and with some focus on Lower Silesia, given the background of the stakeholders โ but with an emphasis on using the case of a region to inform the policies introduced at the national level that are aimed at helping rural areas in other regions thrive. In the first part of the meeting, UWr presented basic information about the RURALIZATION project and its main findings so far โ the results of the trend analysis and Future Dreams survey from WP4. Given that this event was followed by a WP4 regional workshop later at the same day, discussion was devoted to general topics related to the specificity of Poland in the context of European trends and dreams, the ways in which the project results can be translated into policies and the role of various stakeholders in that process.
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