Bodenlos – Quereinsteiger in der Landwirtschaft“ ("Landless – New entrants into Farming“)
26 marzo, 2021 - All day - 26 marzo, 2021 - 1:00 amEvent agenda:
• National Strategic Plan
• GAP-objective “Generational renewal”
Dr. Titus Bahner, Kulturland eG
Practical Experience of a “New Entrant into Farming”
• Biographic narrative
• Barriers & Success factors
• Impact on local and regional economy
Anja Hradetzky, Stolze Kuh
Concepts and instruments
• New entrants: Who are they and what is their potential?
• Access to Land for New entrants – momentum for change in current legislative processes
• Models for extra-family succession
Philipp Brändle, Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft
• What are the perspectives of policy makers?
• Are policy makers familiar with the topic?
• What inputs and insights do policy makers would like to get from RURALIZATION?
Hans-Albrecht Wiehler, Kulturland eG
Event description
The event was designed to involve policy makers from the federal and the regional parliaments dealing with the sector policies concerning agriculture and rural development. We were aiming at involving them by showing real people that would tell their personal story and give insight into their practical experience as new entrants. We were trying to avoid pointing at inadequacies of the current policies and instead suggesting new fresh concepts that would show a way forward amidst fiercely held discussions about the CAP reform process.
Regarding main experiences and results from the discussion, there was a very engaged and open discussion in which very different perspectives were brought forward. We were surprised that especially policy makers from the Länder-level were not aware of the potential for changing the situation for new entrants by legislative reforms. The discussion gave rise to the hope that we could form a group of policymakers that embrace inputs and insights generated by the RURALIZATION project on a regular basis.
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