D6.5 Novel practices handouts – Handout “Reimagining farmland”

Section title:  Handout “Reimagining farmland”


Category: Handout

Country: United Kingdom

NUTS1 region: UKC North East (England)

RUR actor group: New Entrants and Newcomers

Local authority role: Implementing policy, Providing infrastructure, and Coordinating

Civil society organisation role: Providing consultancy, Coordinating, and Lobbying

Single persons role: Entrepreneur

Politician role: Providing funding, Implementing policy, and Providing infrastructure

Rural development pathway: Multifunctional Agriculture, Agroecology, and Human Capital

Access to land pathway: Supporting farmers before accessing land

Rural development topic adressed: Stakeholder empowerment, Infrastructure, Local food supply, Human capital, Economic equality, Lanscape preservation, and Access to land

Type of action: Farm incubator, Land portage, acquisition and management/stewardship, and Agroecology