D6.4 Selective qualitative analysis incl 8 legal and policy arrangements – 2 Developments on new Agricultural Structure Acts and the case of Thuringia in Germany

Section title: 2 Developments on new Agricultural Structure Acts and the case of Thuringia in Germany (Kati Volgmann, ILS)

The study demonstrates the potential and limitation of regional policy interventions, regarding the fair distribution of agricultural land / The study shows the diversity and specific legal conditions of land markets, even within member states of the EU


Category: Report

Country: Germany

NUTS1 region: DEG Thuringia

Type of region: Predominantly rural

RUR actor group: New Entrants, Newcomers, and Successors

Civil society organisation role: Implementing policy and Lobbying

Politician role: Implementing policy

Access to land pathway: Steering land control towards specific uses and Securing access to land for individual farmers

Rural development topic adressed: Stakeholder empowerment and Economic equality

Type of action: Policy (policy recommendation, political support, political capital) and Land portage, acquisition and management/stewardship