Section title: 2. New entrants into farming.
Sub-section/paragraph: 2.1;2.2;2.3;2.4;2.5;2.6;2.7;2.8;2.9;2.10.
Category: Case study
Country: Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, and Poland
RUR actor group: Newcomers
Local authority role: Implementing policy and Coordinating
Civil society organisation role: Implementing policy and Providing consultancy
Single persons role: Entrepreneur
Politician role: Providing funding, Implementing policy, and Coordinating
Rural development pathway: Smart Specialisation and Multifunctional Agriculture
Access to land pathway: Organising the accessibility of farmland and Steering land control towards specific uses
Rural development topic adressed: Lack of jobs or quality jobs, Lack of economic diversity, Mobilisation of financial resources, Stakeholder empowerment, Local food supply, Educational opportunities (formal, informal, vocational), Social inclusion, Other types of equalities (racial, social...), Lanscape preservation, Environmental conservation, Dreams of the youth, and Access to land
Type of action: Policy (policy recommendation, political support, political capital), Community and knowledge sharing, Producer-consumer partnership, short supply chain, alternative sales channel, Land portage, acquisition and management/stewardship, Territorial marketing, Diversification: Food production & processing, and Diversification: Agritourism & recreation