Section title: D5.3 Confrontation Report – CNRS Team Toulouse Metropolis (NUTS3 – Midi-Pyrénée) and Versailles Plain (FR5A)
Category: Appendix
Country: France
NUTS1 region: FR1 Île-de-France and FRJ Occitania
Type of region: Predominantly urban
RUR actor group: New Entrants and Successors
Local authority role: Providing funding and Implementing policy
Civil society organisation role: Providing consultancy, Coordinating, and Lobbying
Single persons role: Providing consultancy and Entrepreneur
Politician role: Providing funding and Implementing policy
Rural development pathway: Rural-Urban Relations and Agroecology
Access to land pathway: Supporting farmers before accessing land and Supporting farmers after access to land
Rural development topic adressed: Mobilisation of financial resources, Stakeholder empowerment, Local food supply, and Access to land
Type of action: Information platform, networks, hubs, Community and knowledge sharing, Agroecology, and Diversification: Food production & processing