D5.3 Lessons learned from confrontations – P10/local Dutch municipalities

Section title: P10/local Dutch municipalities

Highlights: 1) Grow Remote chapters or (a) comparable organisation(s) could settle in the Netherlands. 2) (Digital) infrastructure improvements and the building of more houses in rural areas to accommodate more inhabitants and remote workers should be supported. 3) The general level of services in rural areas should be improved. 4) Local citizens should be empowered to cooperate in the accomodation of remote workers and in developing a strategy for the probable increase of remote work. 5) The developments of remote work and the opportunities for remote workers in the countryside should continiously be monitored.


Category: Report

Country: Netherlands

Type of region: Intermediate

Local authority role: Providing infrastructure and Coordinating

Civil society organisation role: Providing infrastructure, Coordinating, and Lobbying

Politician role: Providing funding, Implementing policy, and Providing infrastructure

Rural development pathway: Smart Specialisation, Rural-Urban Relations, and Human Capital

Rural development topic adressed: Lack of jobs or quality jobs, Lack of economic diversity, Infrastructure, and Dreams of the youth

Type of action: Information platform, networks, hubs, Policy (policy recommendation, political support, political capital), Community and knowledge sharing, and Other