D5.2 Case studies and factsheets of 30 promising practices – Landwege e.G. – A producer consumer cooperative enables regional and ecological food supply

Section title: DE8C: Landwege e.G. – A producer consumer cooperative enables regional and ecological food supply

The case shows the development potential of local supply, if organised by engaged stakeholders over a long time / The case is very successful, but it also makes clear, that it takes time to grow in such manner / The case shows, how important the support of local and regional administration and the acceptance of the local population are


Category: Case study

Country: Germany

NUTS1 region: DEF Schleswig-Holstein

Type of region: Intermediate

RUR actor group: Newcomers

Local authority role: Providing funding y Implementing policy

Civil society organisation role: Providing consultancy

Single persons role: Providing funding, Implementing policy, y Coordinating

Politician role: Providing funding

Rural development pathway: Rural-Urban Relations, Bioeconomy, Agroecology, y Human Capital

Access to land pathway: Steering land control towards specific uses

Rural development topic adressed: Educational opportunities (formal, informal, vocational), Lack of economic diversity, Local food supply, y Environmental conservation

Type of action: Information platform, networks, hubs, Producer-consumer partnership, short supply chain, alternative sales channel, Territorial marketing, Education & training, y Agroecology