Section title:Â DE7A: Gut Wulksfelde GmbH – Entrepreneurial approach and ecological goals well-balanced
Wulksfelde is a good example how to develop jobs in agriculture and the territorial marketing of local products for urban areas, if stakeholders and administration work together
Category: Case study
Country: Germany
NUTS1 region: DEF Schleswig-Holstein
Type of region: Intermediate
RUR actor group: New Entrants
Local authority role: Providing infrastructure
Single persons role: Providing consultancy and Coordinating
Politician role: Providing funding and Providing infrastructure
Rural development pathway: Rural-Urban Relations, Agroecology, and Human Capital
Access to land pathway: Steering land control towards specific uses
Rural development topic adressed: Lack of jobs or quality jobs, Local food supply, and Lanscape preservation
Type of action: Territorial marketing, Education & training, and Agroecology