Section title:Â Case 1A (T5.2 Case study report: Promising Practice on the UK Farmstart Network and New Entrants)
The Farmstart Network, identified as one of 30 ‘promising practices’ by the RURALIZATION project, is a collaboration between the Land Workers’ Alliance (LWA) and some of its member organisations who are running ‘farm-start’ or ‘farm-incubation’ projects to develop best practice and increase opportunities for new entrants into sustainable agriculture. Whilst the precise set-up of the Farmstart schemes differ between members, they typically involve a supported space for new entrants to further grow their skills and test out ideas before taking on the full financial, legal and business responsibilities of an agricultural enterprise (Land Workers’ Alliance, n.d.). Drawing on desk research, interviews, a focus group and feedback from a public conference of key stakeholders, this case study report details the context from which the Farmstart Network emerged, the actors involved and their main activities, and the networks and support which have made possible any impacts this ‘promising practice’ has had on rural regeneration and generational renewal.
Category: Report
Country: United Kingdom
Type of region: Intermediate
RUR actor group: New Entrants
Local authority role: Providing infrastructure
Civil society organisation role: Providing infrastructure and Coordinating
Single persons role: Entrepreneur and Other
Rural development pathway: Agroecology and Human Capital
Access to land pathway: Supporting farmers before accessing land, Organising the accessibility of farmland, Securing access to land for individual farmers, and Supporting farmers after access to land
Rural development topic adressed: Lack of jobs or quality jobs, Stakeholder empowerment, Infrastructure, Local food supply, Human capital, Educational opportunities (formal, informal, vocational), Gender equality, Environmental conservation, and Access to land
Type of action: Farm incubator, Education & training, and Agroecology