Section title: La Mission Locale du Bassin granvillais comme opérateur territorial : un réseau solidaire qui allie enjeux socio-écologiques et générationnels
Category: Scientific publication
Country: France
NUTS1 region: FRD Normandy
Type of region: Predominantly rural
RUR actor group: Newcomers
Local authority role: Implementing policy
Civil society organisation role: Implementing policy, Providing infrastructure, and Providing consultancy
Single persons role: Coordinating
Politician role: Providing funding and Providing infrastructure
Rural development pathway: Human Capital
Rural development topic adressed: Lack of jobs or quality jobs, Stakeholder empowerment, Social inclusion, Economic equality, and Dreams of the youth
Type of action: Information platform, networks, hubs, Community and knowledge sharing, Collective action (e.g. farm collectives, cooperatives), and Education & training