Section title: Maximising Organic Production Systems (MOPS) – 1B
Highlights: This is an EIP-AGRI funded project so is a result of EU policy and funded by a specific EU policy instrument, but not a policy in itself (so did not tick policy in ‘type of action’)
Category: Case study
Country: Ireland
NUTS1 region: IE0 Ireland
RUR actor group: Successors
Civil society organisation role: Coordinating
Single persons role: Providing consultancy, Coordinating, and Entrepreneur
Rural development pathway: Multifunctional Agriculture
Rural development topic adressed: Lack of jobs or quality jobs, Lack of economic diversity, Mobilisation of financial resources, Local food supply, Human capital, and Educational opportunities (formal, informal, vocational)
Type of action: Information platform, networks, hubs and Collective action (e.g. farm collectives, cooperatives)