Section title: Case studies on succession
Category: Case study
Country: Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Finland, Germany, France, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Spain
NUTS1 region: ITG Islands, UKC North East (England), NL1 North Netherlands, FI1 Continental Finland, DE2 Bavaria, FRD Normandy, HU1 Central Hungary, RO1 Macroregion one, and ES1 North-West
RUR actor group: Successors
Local authority role: Implementing policy
Civil society organisation role: Providing consultancy and Lobbying
Single persons role: Entrepreneur
Politician role: Implementing policy
Rural development pathway: Multifunctional Agriculture, Rural-Urban Relations, and Agroecology
Access to land pathway: Organising the accessibility of farmland
Rural development topic adressed: Stakeholder empowerment, Local food supply, Cultural activities, Lanscape preservation, Environmental conservation, and Access to land
Type of action: Producer-consumer partnership, short supply chain, alternative sales channel, Territorial marketing, Agroecology, Diversification: Food production & processing, and Diversification: Agritourism & recreation