Section title: Cydr Chyliczki (PL2B)
Subsection: Case 2 B
The three family businesses described in this case are focusing on food production and processing: Cydr Chyliczki on apples and cider, and Ludwik Majlert’s Farm as well as Rysiny Farm on a variety of vegetables (and flowers as well as edible plant seedlings) that are then directly sold at the farms. The cases illustrate that family food production and processing has a siginificant potential for combining social, environmental and economic dimensions of sustainability by focusing on local, traditional, organic and high-quality products. In the case of Cydr Chyliczki, the main product is cider made of traditional appletree species from the region; the cider is a high-end product sold to restaurant and stores across Poland. Two other farms are integrating the supply chain by producing, processing and selling directly at the farm. Moreover, the farms provide social and cultural functions exemplified by e.g. the ‘dinner at the field’ events, tours for local schools and kindergartens and a small restaurant at the Rysiny farm – a de facto local community space.
Category: Case study
Country: Poland
NUTS1 region: PL9 Mazowieckie
Type of region: Predominantly urban
RUR actor group: Successors
Single persons role: Entrepreneur
Rural development pathway: Smart Specialisation, Multifunctional Agriculture, and Rural-Urban Relations
Rural development topic adressed: Lack of jobs or quality jobs, Lack of economic diversity, Local food supply, Social inclusion, Cultural activities, and Lanscape preservation
Type of action: Producer-consumer partnership, short supply chain, alternative sales channel, Diversification: Food production & processing, Diversification: Agritourism & recreation, and Diversification: Artisan, art & culture