The bioeconomy has great potential to contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture and the countryside. It enables the creation and evolution of new markets and value chains. However, the bioeconomy is an emerging field and there is a growing demand for economic research to understand agricultural food systems in the transition to a new bioeconomy. #iamoForum21
The IAMO Forum 2021 will therefore address different topics related to the bioeconomy, will last two days (7 and 9 June) via the online platform and is organised by the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO).
It will address the following topics:
-Effects of bio-based products on land and the labour market.
-Effects of land use on biomass production
-Trade-offs between sustainable development goals in the bioeconomy
-Own, share or cooperate? – Social innovations in agri-food systems
-Bioeconomy governance instruments and institutions
-Bioclusters and regionalised value chains
-The role of innovation policy in regional economic development
-Economic effects of new bioeconomy crops
-The place of the agricultural sector in the circular bioeconomy
See the original publication here.