RURALIZATION General Assembly 2021
Among the main priority topics highlighted were the importance of dissemination, involving the European youth in addition to the stakeholders, as well as making soil issues a priority in the European political agenda, also at national and local level.
Wednesday, 19th May 2021. The general assembly of the H2020 European project Ruralization fixes the strategic lines of action for 2021. The interventions made under each work package included an overview of the progress made so far, the activities and events that are currently taking place, and more particularly the activities that will be carried out in the coming year.
The importance of disseminating the results of the project, involving not only stakeholders but also the youth of the European continent, was also emphasised, as well as making the soil issue a priority in the European political agenda, also at national and local level.
The ruralization project is based on the idea that a process of ‘ruralisation’ can change development patterns in rural areas overcoming population and economic decline and generating new opportunities by promoting rural regeneration and population renewal. To foster a “ruralisation” process across Europe, we need new policy-relevant knowledge, which the RURALIZATION project will generate.

Funded under the Horizon 2020 programme, RURALIZATION gathers 18 partners from 12 different countries including research organizations but also partners that implement innovative practices, such as members of the Access to Land network. This diversity will guarantee a wide range of perspectives and situations thus ensuring the project will formulate solutions and recommendations which respond to the diverse needs and features of rural areas in Europe.