In recent years, the problem of depopulation of the rural areas of Europe has become a focus of interest within the action plans and policies of the European Union. That is why the organizations CCRI, OIR and ADE S.A. have carried out and published this month a thorough study on the evaluation of the impact of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on the renewal of regeneration, local development and job creation in rural areas. The document reviews the policies that have worked best in the different regions to achieve the objectives set by the CAP in relation to those parameters.
It should be noted, in turn, that this study is focused not only on how the instruments and policies of the CAP affect these different areas, but also puts its focus on the nature and the characteristics that characterize rural jobs.
In summary, the report shows that the CAP, analysed from a global and general perspective, has had a positive effect in recent years on the implementation and obtaining results focused on improving generational renewal and job creation, at the agriculture sector particularly. As expected, these measures had a different impact from one region to another and, one of the conclusions reached by the report was to take special attention to the underlying socio-economic and cultural context in these areas when implementing these policies to bring their success.
One of the highlights involves the use of measures and instruments such as financing and investment aid for the creation of companies, as well as advice and training, or the creation of incentives for institutional, legal or fiscal collaboration that support to business development and creation of a rural infrastructure network that guarantees the revitalization of the regions.
On the contrary, such policies seems to have a minor impact in encouraging young people to move to the rural areas and work in these regions. This may be due to the fact that this specific objective has had less priority within the CAP, and not so much due to management problems and policy implementation.
In this way, the results of this evaluation are considered quite positive, as it provides a comprehensive framework for action and serves as guidance for measures that contribute to reaching common goals in the future of our rural areas. We encourage all those interested in developing rural social and economic development policies to check the full report, which can be accessed on the website of the European Commission through the following link: