RURALIZATION ITALIAN NATIONAL CONFERENCE "Access to land for regeneration of rural areas"
26 February, 2021 - 3:00 pm - 26 February, 2021 - 6:00 pm
Event description
UNICAL has co-organized the event with the support of the National Council of Agronomist and Forestry Doctors Order (CONAF) (which had signed a letter of support to Ruralization) and of the Order of Agronomists and Forestry Doctors (ODAF) of Cosenza Province. In the first part of the event there have been three presentation: on the whole project, on the result of WP6, and on the national policies on access to land. To continue they organised a roundtable with the participation of a representative of the National Rural Network, one of the Order of Agronomist and Forestry Doctors (ODAF) of Cosenza Province, one of ARI (Associazione Rurale Italiana)/ Via Campesina Europe, a farmer member of the Organic District “Baticos” of Cosenza Province, and a young farmer president of Coraggio Cooperative of Rome – the innovative practice indicated in WP6 inventory of innovative practices. The stakeholders involved were very interested in the project and in the results achieved.
The event has been rated as very successful and was streamed live via the Facebook channel of Centro Studi Rurali Unical and the Facebook channel of Ordine dei Dottori Agronomi e Dotori Forestali di Cosenza
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