RURALIZATION FRENCH NATIONAL CONFERENCE: The Manche, territories to rebuild ruralities

5 novembre, 2022 - All day - 9 novembre, 2022 -

The Manche, territories to rebuild ruralities

Date: 5-9 November 2022

Venue: Centre Culturel International de Cerisy.ย 

Event Description:

The three-and-a-half-day conference allowed for "cross fertilization" between researchers in the rural social sciences (both internal and external participants in the Ruralization Project who are experts on its topics), locals (newcomers, new entrants, successors, young people,...), and stakeholders.

Each of the three days were focused on a theme of the ruralization project: i) the issue of young people in rural areas, and their future on the territory; ii) the renewal of local development with issues updated by the environmental, social and health crises, and taking into account the trends at work; iii) education in nature-based professions as a lever for agriculture, newcomers as well as successors, to take into account the environmental and societal issues.

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