New insights from family farm research through a focus on the farm householdfarm operation interface
22 June, 2022 - All day - 24 June, 2022 -An event jointly organized by Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) and the European Society for
Rural Sociology (ESRS).
Rural social scientists continue to study why, how, and which farm families stay on the land in the face of unrelenting change and the inherent instability of the agricultural sector due to biophysical, social, political, and economic forces. The interconnections and exchange of resources between the farm household and farm operation interface help to absorb shocks to the farm enterprise and work to facilitate farm reproduction. Yet the interface between the household and operation has mostly been treated as a black box within the farm family literature preventing the development of an in-depth understanding of the bi-directional mechanisms at play. Studies that consider the strengths and challenges of farm households within the Western industrialized countries context are sparse and these studies tend to focus on the farm household seldom making explicit and in-depth connections to the consequences on farm operation structures and development trajectories. To update and broaden the family farm scholarship, we invited theoretical, empirical, and discussion papers that shed a light on the farm household-farm operation interface. Papers could be based on new research or revisiting of data previously analyzed but with a new eye to the linkages between the farm household and the farm operation.
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