MOVING EU MAP webinar | European Quality schemes: the added value for mountain value chains
8 November, 2022 - 9:30 am - 8 November, 2022 - 1:15 pmMOVING will organise an European Multi-Actor Platform (EU MAP) webinar on 8 November 2022, from 9.30 to 1.15 (CET), on European Quality schemes: the added value for mountain value chains.
The objectives of the webinar are;
- Find out more about MOVING project results and the EU MAP;
- Provide an update of the new EU quality policy, according to the EC legislative proposals;
- Inform about the implementation and added value of the EU quality schemes and the implications for mountain value chains;
- Enhance the exchange, learn and interact at the EU level on the application to mountain value chains.
See Draft Agenda, here. The webinar includes a final internal session for members, and others interested actors, about the EU MAP (meet its members, present and future actions). Please indicate in the registration whether or not you would like to participate in this session.
Complete Registration form, here.
Learn more:
- Update of the EU quality frameworks in the blog article ‘The revision of the EU Geographical Indications system’ by Francesca Alampi (AREPO).
- Read the interview with Lukas Flinzberger (University of Göttingen) about Protected Designations of Origin and correlations with social-ecological landscape values.
- Read the blog article Farm certification schemes for sustainable agriculture: specifications for origin and quality of the final products by Blanca Casares (AEIDL)
More information