Section title: Åland Islands
The Leauge of Nations specified in 1921: ‘When landed estate situated in the Aaland Islands is sold to a person who is not domiciled in the Islands, any person legally domiciled in the Islands, or the Council of the province, or the commune in which the estate is situated, has the right to buy the estate at a price which, failing agreement, shall be fixed by the court of first instance (Häradsrätt) having regard to current prices.’ (League of Nations, 1921, 701). This is still the legal situation and its consequences are discussed in the context of today.
Category: Case study
Country: Finland
NUTS1 region: FI2 Åland Islands
Type of region: Predominantly rural
Local authority role: Implementing policy e Other
Rural development pathway: Smart Specialisation
Access to land pathway: Securing access to land for individual farmers
Rural development topic adressed: Other