Section title: Training in “Nature professions”: driving force for the rural regeneration of “Pays Coutançais” (FR6B) – 6B
Case study based on territorial approach starting from an educational structure (Nature Trades Campus)
Category: Case study
Country: France
NUTS1 region: FRD Normandy
Type of region: Predominantly rural
RUR actor group: Successors
Local authority role: Providing funding, Implementing policy, et Providing infrastructure
Civil society organisation role: Lobbying
Single persons role: Providing consultancy et Entrepreneur
Politician role: Providing funding, Implementing policy, et Providing infrastructure
Rural development pathway: Agroecology et Human Capital
Access to land pathway: Supporting farmers before accessing land et Supporting farmers after access to land
Rural development topic adressed: Stakeholder empowerment, Local food supply, Human capital, Educational opportunities (formal, informal, vocational), Social inclusion, Lanscape preservation, Environmental conservation, et Dreams of the youth
Type of action: Community and knowledge sharing, Farm incubator, Education & training, Agroecology, et Diversification: Food production & processing