RURALIZATION FINNISH NATIONAL CONFERENCE: Regeneration of rural areas in the context of domestic and EU policies of agriculture and rural development
13 Dicembre, 2022 - All day - 13 Dicembre, 2022 - 1:00 amRegeneration of rural areas in the context of domestic and EU policies of agriculture and rural development
Date: 13 December 2022
Venue: Onlineย
Event Description:
This webinar was organised together by the RURALIZATION project partner University of Turku (UTU) and the National Rural Network. The purpose of the conference was to present results and insights of the RURALIZATION project for the people involved in rural development in any level of action (household, local, regional, national).
The webinar was opened by the Secretary General of the Rural Policy Council with insights for rural regeneration. Some promising insights of the RURALIZATION project were provided and some project partners were also invited to introduce two case studies: Grow Remote (University of Galway) and Casa delle AgriCulture (University of Calabria). Project partner Kulturland also participated as an access to land organisation.
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