30 Marzo, 2021 - All day - 30 Marzo, 2021 - 1:00 am

Event agenda:

10:00 - Start of event and introduction to Ruralization/topic of the day

10:10 - Graeme Willis presentation on public farmland in UK

10:20 - Attila Szocs presentation on public farmland in Romania

10:30 - Break

10:40 - Questions & Breakout rooms (20mins, 4-5 people per room)

11:00 - Open Discussion: What could public farmland look like in the UK?

11:25 - Wrap up & Close

11.30 - Event ended

Event description

The 90-minute webinar / discussion focused on public farmland - sharing the background to and latest updates on the work we are doing with Eco Ruralis for the โ€˜actionโ€™ as part of WP6. It was aimed at a fairly general public audience. Shared Assets sees public farmland as an important way to promote ruralisation and rural regeneration in the UK, as it could open up opportunities for new entrants to farming, as well as supporting thriving communities in rural areas by opening up greater access to farmland for education/training, health

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More information

More information about RURALIZATION ENGLISH NATIONAL CONFERENCE: Reimagining Public Farmland
