D6.3 Quantitative analysis of land holdings abd land market trends – Teleorman in its Romanian context

Section title: Teleorman in its Romanian context

In Romania a dual land market of many small holders and a few large landholders is a general issue. Th concept of land grabbing is used to analyse developments. The Teleorman case study shows how this works in a local context of ‘special relationships’ between politicons and entrepreneurs and a diversity of ethnic (Including Roma) and cultural groups.


Category: Case study

Country: Romania

NUTS1 region: RO3 Macroregion three

Type of region: Predominantly rural

Local authority role: Other

Civil society organisation role: Other

Single persons role: Entrepreneur

Politician role: Other

Rural development pathway: Smart Specialisation

Rural development topic adressed: Lack of jobs or quality jobs, Lack of economic diversity, Social inclusion, Other types of equalities (racial, social...), e Other