D5.3 Lessons learned from confrontations – Zabkowicki County (LAU1 5020324)

Section title: Zabkowicki County (LAU1 5020324)

Highlights: Generally, even in areas with negative migration rates there can be nonetheless nodes that concentrate newcomers to the area, as is the case in Nowina. Such newcomers that intend to engage in artisanal work face numerous barriers, and local authorities do possess tools to respond to most of them. It is especially important to provide support for early newcomers, who can then use their experiences to guide subsequent immigrants, and also to support newcomers at early stages after they come to the new place, since this is when the support is needed most.


Category: Report

Country: Poland

NUTS1 region: PL5 South-Western

Type of region: Predominantly rural

RUR actor group: Newcomers

Local authority role: Providing consultancy

Single persons role: Coordinating e Entrepreneur

Rural development pathway: Multifunctional Agriculture e Rural-Urban Relations

Rural development topic adressed: Lack of economic diversity, Lack of jobs or quality jobs, Educational opportunities (formal, informal, vocational), e Cultural activities

Type of action: Community and knowledge sharing, Producer-consumer partnership, short supply chain, alternative sales channel, Diversification: Food production & processing, Diversification: Agritourism & recreation, e Diversification: Artisan, art & culture