Section title: Confrontation Report NE1 Farma Martynika: an ecotouristic and educational farm showing that changingfrom urban to rural life is difficult butpossible.
Category: Case study
Country: Romania
NUTS1 region: RO2 Macroregion two
Type of region: Intermediate
RUR actor group: New Entrants e Newcomers
Local authority role: Providing funding, Implementing policy, e Providing infrastructure
Civil society organisation role: Providing infrastructure, Providing consultancy, Coordinating, e Lobbying
Single persons role: Providing infrastructure, Coordinating, e Entrepreneur
Politician role: Implementing policy e Providing consultancy
Rural development pathway: Agroecology
Access to land pathway: Organising the accessibility of farmland e Securing access to land for individual farmers
Rural development topic adressed: Human capital e Access to land
Type of action: Collective action (e.g. farm collectives, cooperatives), Agroecology, Diversification: Food production & processing, Diversification: Agritourism & recreation, e Diversification: Artisan, art & culture