D5.2 Case studies and factsheets of 30 promising practices – Cultural festivals in a peripheral region (NL4C)

Section title: NC4: Cultural festivals in a peripheral region – 4C

1) Organising cultural events has a positive impact on a peripheral region.

2) As it also depends on local developments and histories, and often is based on bottom-up initiatives, it is not easy to transfer this practice to other regions.

3) In the Oldambt area, some improvements could be made in terms of cooperation and promotion


Category: Case study

Country: Netherlands

NUTS1 region: NL1 North Netherlands

Type of region: Intermediate

RUR actor group: Newcomers

Local authority role: Providing funding, Providing consultancy, e Coordinating

Civil society organisation role: Providing funding, Providing consultancy, e Coordinating

Single persons role: Providing funding, Implementing policy, Providing infrastructure, Providing consultancy, Coordinating, e Entrepreneur

Politician role: Providing funding, Implementing policy, Providing infrastructure, Providing consultancy, e Coordinating

Rural development pathway: Smart Specialisation, Rural-Urban Relations, e Human Capital

Rural development topic adressed: Lack of economic diversity, Human capital, e Cultural activities

Type of action: Information platform, networks, hubs, Policy (policy recommendation, political support, political capital), Community and knowledge sharing, e Diversification: Artisan, art & culture