D5.2 Case studies and factsheets of 30 promising practices – Artystika: an ecotouristic farm (PL2C)

Section title: Artystika: an ecotouristic farm (PL2C)

Subsection: Case 2 C

Highlights: Artystyka is a an eco-touristic farm established in 2005 in the village of Nowa Bystrzyca (Poland) by a pair of newcomers from the city of Wroclaw just after their graduation from university. Given their background in Arts, they decided not only to renovate the farmhouse and set up a business, but also to try and take root by organizing art-related events directed towards both local residents and visitors from Wroclaw. The newcomers were successful in forging deep relationships with various members of the local community thanks to their ability to balance sincere respect for the local context with the introduction of new perspectives genuinely improving the communal life. As of now the hosts are focusing more on their family life and business operation but the case shows how the approach they took can help newcomers take roots in the new location by adopting a combination of respecting the local context and sharing their own values and perspectives.


Category: Case study

Country: Poland

NUTS1 region: PL5 South-Western

Type of region: Predominantly rural

RUR actor group: Newcomers

Local authority role: Providing consultancy e Coordinating

Civil society organisation role: Providing funding e Providing consultancy

Single persons role: Entrepreneur

Rural development pathway: Rural-Urban Relations e Human Capital

Rural development topic adressed: Human capital, Educational opportunities (formal, informal, vocational), Gender equality, Cultural activities, e Lanscape preservation

Type of action: Education & training, Diversification: Agritourism & recreation, e Diversification: Artisan, art & culture