D5.3 Lessons learned from confrontations – Appendix 15: Clermont-Ferrand (France, NE8)

Section title: Appendix 15: Clermont-Ferrand (France, NE8)

Sub-section/paragraph: The Versailles Plain’s Association and peri-urban agriculture diversification


Category: Appendix

Country: France

NUTS1 region: FR1 Île-de-France e FRK Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Type of region: Predominantly urban

RUR actor group: New Entrants e Successors

Local authority role: Implementing policy e Coordinating

Civil society organisation role: Providing funding, Providing infrastructure, Coordinating, e Lobbying

Single persons role: Implementing policy, Coordinating, e Entrepreneur

Politician role: Implementing policy e Coordinating

Rural development pathway: Multifunctional Agriculture, Rural-Urban Relations, Agroecology, e Human Capital

Access to land pathway: Supporting farmers before accessing land, Organising the accessibility of farmland, Steering land control towards specific uses, Securing access to land for individual farmers, e Supporting farmers after access to land

Rural development topic adressed: Lack of economic diversity, Stakeholder empowerment, Infrastructure, Local food supply, Human capital, Educational opportunities (formal, informal, vocational), Lanscape preservation, Environmental conservation, e Access to land

Type of action: Policy (policy recommendation, political support, political capital), Community and knowledge sharing, Farm incubator, Collective action (e.g. farm collectives, cooperatives), Producer-consumer partnership, short supply chain, alternative sales channel, Land portage, acquisition and management/stewardship, Education & training, Agroecology, e Diversification: Food production & processing