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Llundi | Mmardi | Mmercredi | Jjeudi | Vvendredi | Ssamedi | Ddimanche |
2929 mai, 2023 | 3030 mai, 2023 | 3131 mai, 2023 | 11 juin, 2023 | 22 juin, 2023 | 33 juin, 2023 | 44 juin, 2023 |
55 juin, 2023 | 66 juin, 2023 | 77 juin, 2023 | 88 juin, 2023 | 99 juin, 2023 | 1010 juin, 2023 | 1111 juin, 2023 |
1212 juin, 2023 | 1313 juin, 2023 | 1414 juin, 2023 | 1515 juin, 2023 | 1616 juin, 2023 | 1717 juin, 2023 | 1818 juin, 2023 |
1919 juin, 2023 | 2020 juin, 2023 | 2121 juin, 2023 | 2222 juin, 2023 | 2323 juin, 2023 |
2424 juin, 2023●(1 event)All day: 3rd Global Conference on Agriculture All day The 3rd Global Conference on Agriculture is a network of scientists, researchers, PhD candidates and graduate students, and other members of the academia. It’s an opportunity to actively participate in shaping the field and bringing it into the future. At this conference, wou will have the opportunity to present your research, receive feedback from your peers, and get published in prestigious academic journals; take the next step in your academic career by identifying new research opportunities and partners; and join the network of academics and help define the future of the field. Local |
2525 juin, 2023●(1 event)All day: 3rd Global Conference on Agriculture All day The 3rd Global Conference on Agriculture is a network of scientists, researchers, PhD candidates and graduate students, and other members of the academia. It’s an opportunity to actively participate in shaping the field and bringing it into the future. At this conference, wou will have the opportunity to present your research, receive feedback from your peers, and get published in prestigious academic journals; take the next step in your academic career by identifying new research opportunities and partners; and join the network of academics and help define the future of the field. Local |
2626 juin, 2023 | 2727 juin, 2023 |
2828 juin, 2023●(1 event)10:00 am: SMART VILLAGE Forum10:00 – 5:00 The 3rd edition of the SMART VILLAGE Forum will open its doors between June 28 and July 3, 2023 at the Delta hotel in the Jupiter resort, through a participatory event that will reflect the role of the authorities and the business environment in consolidating the long-term vision on rural communities. We invite you to participate in the Digital Transformation Marathon, held on the Black Sea coast, where we will open the series of conferences “How do we transform our locality into a Smart Village?“, addressing topics related to the construction of smart village communities in Romania, sustainable energy efficiency solutions, support for facilitating innovation in the rural environment, the involvement of the educational and academic environment , smart technologies as well as accessible sources of financing. The Forum contributes to increasing the visibility of rural areas by involving high-level political guests from European institutions, mayors and deputy mayors of municipalities, presidents of county councils, councilors, directors, experts and representatives of the business sector. We will debate with specialists in European funds, public authorities and experts from the smart technology industry on topics such as rural development, green and digital transition, precision agriculture, energy, smart transport, public works, rural health, tourism etc. For 5 days, the Romanian coast will host the most important event for the transformation of smart villages. We will also organize initiations of the “Smart Village – Management of Smart Rural Infrastructures” course every day, where we will talk about interoperability, smart infrastructures and types of digital public services that can be offered. At the end, Certificates of Participation will be handed out. Don’t forget to plan in your annual budget based on the full offer of accommodation and participation. We invite you to participate in the event! Together we develop the Smart Village Community. Citizens are very important, especially for the EU. Local |
2929 juin, 2023●(1 event)10:00 am: SMART VILLAGE Forum10:00 – 5:00 The 3rd edition of the SMART VILLAGE Forum will open its doors between June 28 and July 3, 2023 at the Delta hotel in the Jupiter resort, through a participatory event that will reflect the role of the authorities and the business environment in consolidating the long-term vision on rural communities. We invite you to participate in the Digital Transformation Marathon, held on the Black Sea coast, where we will open the series of conferences “How do we transform our locality into a Smart Village?“, addressing topics related to the construction of smart village communities in Romania, sustainable energy efficiency solutions, support for facilitating innovation in the rural environment, the involvement of the educational and academic environment , smart technologies as well as accessible sources of financing. The Forum contributes to increasing the visibility of rural areas by involving high-level political guests from European institutions, mayors and deputy mayors of municipalities, presidents of county councils, councilors, directors, experts and representatives of the business sector. We will debate with specialists in European funds, public authorities and experts from the smart technology industry on topics such as rural development, green and digital transition, precision agriculture, energy, smart transport, public works, rural health, tourism etc. For 5 days, the Romanian coast will host the most important event for the transformation of smart villages. We will also organize initiations of the “Smart Village – Management of Smart Rural Infrastructures” course every day, where we will talk about interoperability, smart infrastructures and types of digital public services that can be offered. At the end, Certificates of Participation will be handed out. Don’t forget to plan in your annual budget based on the full offer of accommodation and participation. We invite you to participate in the event! Together we develop the Smart Village Community. Citizens are very important, especially for the EU. Local |
3030 juin, 2023●(1 event)10:00 am: SMART VILLAGE Forum10:00 – 5:00 The 3rd edition of the SMART VILLAGE Forum will open its doors between June 28 and July 3, 2023 at the Delta hotel in the Jupiter resort, through a participatory event that will reflect the role of the authorities and the business environment in consolidating the long-term vision on rural communities. We invite you to participate in the Digital Transformation Marathon, held on the Black Sea coast, where we will open the series of conferences “How do we transform our locality into a Smart Village?“, addressing topics related to the construction of smart village communities in Romania, sustainable energy efficiency solutions, support for facilitating innovation in the rural environment, the involvement of the educational and academic environment , smart technologies as well as accessible sources of financing. The Forum contributes to increasing the visibility of rural areas by involving high-level political guests from European institutions, mayors and deputy mayors of municipalities, presidents of county councils, councilors, directors, experts and representatives of the business sector. We will debate with specialists in European funds, public authorities and experts from the smart technology industry on topics such as rural development, green and digital transition, precision agriculture, energy, smart transport, public works, rural health, tourism etc. For 5 days, the Romanian coast will host the most important event for the transformation of smart villages. We will also organize initiations of the “Smart Village – Management of Smart Rural Infrastructures” course every day, where we will talk about interoperability, smart infrastructures and types of digital public services that can be offered. At the end, Certificates of Participation will be handed out. Don’t forget to plan in your annual budget based on the full offer of accommodation and participation. We invite you to participate in the event! Together we develop the Smart Village Community. Citizens are very important, especially for the EU. Local |
11 juillet, 2023●(1 event)10:00 am: SMART VILLAGE Forum10:00 – 5:00 The 3rd edition of the SMART VILLAGE Forum will open its doors between June 28 and July 3, 2023 at the Delta hotel in the Jupiter resort, through a participatory event that will reflect the role of the authorities and the business environment in consolidating the long-term vision on rural communities. We invite you to participate in the Digital Transformation Marathon, held on the Black Sea coast, where we will open the series of conferences “How do we transform our locality into a Smart Village?“, addressing topics related to the construction of smart village communities in Romania, sustainable energy efficiency solutions, support for facilitating innovation in the rural environment, the involvement of the educational and academic environment , smart technologies as well as accessible sources of financing. The Forum contributes to increasing the visibility of rural areas by involving high-level political guests from European institutions, mayors and deputy mayors of municipalities, presidents of county councils, councilors, directors, experts and representatives of the business sector. We will debate with specialists in European funds, public authorities and experts from the smart technology industry on topics such as rural development, green and digital transition, precision agriculture, energy, smart transport, public works, rural health, tourism etc. For 5 days, the Romanian coast will host the most important event for the transformation of smart villages. We will also organize initiations of the “Smart Village – Management of Smart Rural Infrastructures” course every day, where we will talk about interoperability, smart infrastructures and types of digital public services that can be offered. At the end, Certificates of Participation will be handed out. Don’t forget to plan in your annual budget based on the full offer of accommodation and participation. We invite you to participate in the event! Together we develop the Smart Village Community. Citizens are very important, especially for the EU. Local |
22 juillet, 2023●(1 event)10:00 am: SMART VILLAGE Forum10:00 – 5:00 The 3rd edition of the SMART VILLAGE Forum will open its doors between June 28 and July 3, 2023 at the Delta hotel in the Jupiter resort, through a participatory event that will reflect the role of the authorities and the business environment in consolidating the long-term vision on rural communities. We invite you to participate in the Digital Transformation Marathon, held on the Black Sea coast, where we will open the series of conferences “How do we transform our locality into a Smart Village?“, addressing topics related to the construction of smart village communities in Romania, sustainable energy efficiency solutions, support for facilitating innovation in the rural environment, the involvement of the educational and academic environment , smart technologies as well as accessible sources of financing. The Forum contributes to increasing the visibility of rural areas by involving high-level political guests from European institutions, mayors and deputy mayors of municipalities, presidents of county councils, councilors, directors, experts and representatives of the business sector. We will debate with specialists in European funds, public authorities and experts from the smart technology industry on topics such as rural development, green and digital transition, precision agriculture, energy, smart transport, public works, rural health, tourism etc. For 5 days, the Romanian coast will host the most important event for the transformation of smart villages. We will also organize initiations of the “Smart Village – Management of Smart Rural Infrastructures” course every day, where we will talk about interoperability, smart infrastructures and types of digital public services that can be offered. At the end, Certificates of Participation will be handed out. Don’t forget to plan in your annual budget based on the full offer of accommodation and participation. We invite you to participate in the event! Together we develop the Smart Village Community. Citizens are very important, especially for the EU. Local |
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