Section title: D6.4 Selective qualitative analysis incl 8 legal and policy arrangements
There is a general agreement, both across various perspectives that can be found in secondary sources as well as among the persons interviewed for the purpose of this case study, that current regulations of access to farmland in Poland have been successful in limiting the problem of land grabbing and speculation – and thus the increase of prices of farmland associated with these problems. The logic of state interventionism, the underlying assumptions of the regulations and their general structure is generally not contested. However, there are various lines of criticism referring to some aspects of the regulations. In order to illustrate them, in the report we summarize the perspectives of the interviewees participating in this case study.
Category: Report
Country: Poland
RUR actor group: New Entrants, Newcomers, and Successors
Access to land pathway: Organising the accessibility of farmland and Steering land control towards specific uses
Rural development topic adressed: Access to land