Section title: Remote regions in Poland (PL219 Nowotarski; PL523 Nyski; PL618 Swiecki; PL637 Chojnicki; PL811 Bialski; PL821 Krosnienski)
The context lof land markets in Polish remote rural regions difers considerably. The physical condition as a mountain area, seems more important than the remoteness in the development towards farmland abandonment. Based on this it may be expected that infrastructure investments to counter remoteness, or the creation of jobs outside the agricultural sector will not stop farmland abandonment.
Category: Case study
Country: Poland
NUTS1 region: PL2 Southern, PL5 South-Western, PL6 Northern, and PL8 Eastern
Type of region: Predominantly rural
Rural development pathway: Smart Specialisation
Rural development topic adressed: Infrastructure, Economic equality, Lanscape preservation, Access to land, and Other
Type of action: Other