The Versailles Plain’s Association and peri-urban agriculture diversification (FR5A)
The Versailles Plain’s Association and peri-urban agriculture diversification (FR5A)
MMonday | TTuesday | WWednesday | TThursday | FFriday | SSaturday | SSunday |
3131 October, 2022 | 11 November, 2022 | 22 November, 2022 | 33 November, 2022 | 44 November, 2022 |
55 November, 2022●(1 event)All day: RURALIZATION FRENCH NATIONAL CONFERENCE: The Manche, territories to rebuild ruralities All day ![]() The Manche, territories to rebuild ruralities Date: 5-9 November 2022 Venue: Centre Culturel International de Cerisy. Event Description: The three-and-a-half-day conference allowed for "cross fertilization" between researchers in the rural social sciences (both internal and external participants in the Ruralization Project who are experts on its topics), locals (newcomers, new entrants, successors, young people,...), and stakeholders. Each of the three days were focused on a theme of the ruralization project: i) the issue of young people in rural areas, and their future on the territory; ii) the renewal of local development with issues updated by the environmental, social and health crises, and taking into account the trends at work; iii) education in nature-based professions as a lever for agriculture, newcomers as well as successors, to take into account the environmental and societal issues. Local |
66 November, 2022●(1 event)All day: RURALIZATION FRENCH NATIONAL CONFERENCE: The Manche, territories to rebuild ruralities All day ![]() The Manche, territories to rebuild ruralities Date: 5-9 November 2022 Venue: Centre Culturel International de Cerisy. Event Description: The three-and-a-half-day conference allowed for "cross fertilization" between researchers in the rural social sciences (both internal and external participants in the Ruralization Project who are experts on its topics), locals (newcomers, new entrants, successors, young people,...), and stakeholders. Each of the three days were focused on a theme of the ruralization project: i) the issue of young people in rural areas, and their future on the territory; ii) the renewal of local development with issues updated by the environmental, social and health crises, and taking into account the trends at work; iii) education in nature-based professions as a lever for agriculture, newcomers as well as successors, to take into account the environmental and societal issues. Local |
77 November, 2022●(1 event)All day: RURALIZATION FRENCH NATIONAL CONFERENCE: The Manche, territories to rebuild ruralities All day ![]() The Manche, territories to rebuild ruralities Date: 5-9 November 2022 Venue: Centre Culturel International de Cerisy. Event Description: The three-and-a-half-day conference allowed for "cross fertilization" between researchers in the rural social sciences (both internal and external participants in the Ruralization Project who are experts on its topics), locals (newcomers, new entrants, successors, young people,...), and stakeholders. Each of the three days were focused on a theme of the ruralization project: i) the issue of young people in rural areas, and their future on the territory; ii) the renewal of local development with issues updated by the environmental, social and health crises, and taking into account the trends at work; iii) education in nature-based professions as a lever for agriculture, newcomers as well as successors, to take into account the environmental and societal issues. Local |
88 November, 2022●●(3 events)All day: RURALIZATION FRENCH NATIONAL CONFERENCE: The Manche, territories to rebuild ruralities All day ![]() The Manche, territories to rebuild ruralities Date: 5-9 November 2022 Venue: Centre Culturel International de Cerisy. Event Description: The three-and-a-half-day conference allowed for "cross fertilization" between researchers in the rural social sciences (both internal and external participants in the Ruralization Project who are experts on its topics), locals (newcomers, new entrants, successors, young people,...), and stakeholders. Each of the three days were focused on a theme of the ruralization project: i) the issue of young people in rural areas, and their future on the territory; ii) the renewal of local development with issues updated by the environmental, social and health crises, and taking into account the trends at work; iii) education in nature-based professions as a lever for agriculture, newcomers as well as successors, to take into account the environmental and societal issues. Local 9:30 am: MOVING EU MAP webinar | European Quality schemes: the added value for mountain value chains9:30 am – 1:15 pm ![]() MOVING will organise an European Multi-Actor Platform (EU MAP) webinar on 8 November 2022, from 9.30 to 1.15 (CET), on European Quality schemes: the added value for mountain value chains. The objectives of the webinar are;
See Draft Agenda, here. The webinar includes a final internal session for members, and others interested actors, about the EU MAP (meet its members, present and future actions). Please indicate in the registration whether or not you would like to participate in this session. Complete Registration form, here. Learn more:
Online 3:00 pm: EFFECTIVE MECHANISMS TO ADDRESS NEW GOVERNANCE CHALLENGES IN EUROPEAN RURAL AREAS3:00 pm – 4:30 pm ![]() On 8 november 2022, SHERPA and POLIRURAL will organise a webinar on “Effective mechanisms to address new governance challenges in European rural areas”, as a side event of the European Week of Regions and Cities. This online event will present new governance challenges that the rural regions of Europe must address in this time of almost continuous disruption. he opening address by Samuel Vican, Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic, will introduce the issue and explain the scale of the challenges that rural regions now face. This will be followed by a series of case studies on how these challenges can be addressed based on achievements of the EU funded POLIRURAL and SHERPA projects. Marieta Okenková, former member of the accession negotiations team of the Slovak Republic and Gabriel O’Connell, CEO of Monaghan Integrated Development in Ireland, illustrate what can be achieved by the application of an approach to Regional Foresight that was developed and piloted in the POLIRURAL project. Karen Refsgaard, research director at Nordregio in Denmark, and Samuel Féret, mayor of the village of Arzal in France, illustrate the role that Multi-Actor Platforms developed in the SHERPA project can play, in support of planning and programming for rural regions. The event will be moderated by Anita Seļicka, Director of the Latvian Rural Forum, council member of the European LEADER Association for Rural development, member of the steering group of the European Rural Parliament, expert member of the LTVRA working group on Rural Proofing and Rural Revitalization, and coordinator of the POLIRURAL Foresight initiative in Latvia. The webinar will take place on November 8, from 15.00 to 16.30 CEST. Participants will have a chance to ask questions of the speakers. So, please let your colleagues know. Even if they cannot attend on the day, they can access the recording and presentations which will be available afterwards on the SHERPA and POLIRURAL project websites. Online |
99 November, 2022●(1 event)All day: RURALIZATION FRENCH NATIONAL CONFERENCE: The Manche, territories to rebuild ruralities All day ![]() The Manche, territories to rebuild ruralities Date: 5-9 November 2022 Venue: Centre Culturel International de Cerisy. Event Description: The three-and-a-half-day conference allowed for "cross fertilization" between researchers in the rural social sciences (both internal and external participants in the Ruralization Project who are experts on its topics), locals (newcomers, new entrants, successors, young people,...), and stakeholders. Each of the three days were focused on a theme of the ruralization project: i) the issue of young people in rural areas, and their future on the territory; ii) the renewal of local development with issues updated by the environmental, social and health crises, and taking into account the trends at work; iii) education in nature-based professions as a lever for agriculture, newcomers as well as successors, to take into account the environmental and societal issues. Local |
1010 November, 2022●(1 event)8:00 am: MATILDE International Conference: Migration and Rural Development8:00 am – 3:30 pm ![]() As the Horizon 2020 MATILDE project draws to a close after 3 years, we are organizing an international conference to share our research findings and to enhance dialogue with key stakeholders and the public. ‘The International MATILDE Conference: Migration and Rural Development’ will be held in Villach, Austria, on 10-11 November 2022. The MATILDE project investigated social and economic impacts of migration in rural, peripheral and mountainous regions of Europe. The MATILDE International Conference will discuss the results from 13 case study regions in 10 participating countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom). It will also highlight ways to promote socially inclusive and territorially balanced growth by stimulating the potential for local development through migration and everyday diversity. The Conference aims to create space for dialogue between researchers, policy-makers and various social and economic milieus in order to provide better responses to the challenges posed by migration and integration governance. The MATILDE Conference is a 2-day event. The theme of Day 1 is “Inclusive and Engaging Rural and Mountainous Areas”. Social, economic and cultural impacts of migration in rural areas within the scope of the MATILDE project will be discussed with panel and roundtable meetings. On the second day, entitled ‘The Future of Living Together in Rural Areas’, MATILDE action research outputs from the Austrian regions of Vorarlberg and Carinthia will be discussed from various perspectives. The Conference will be held at 2 locations. Day 1 will be organized at the Congress Center Villach and Day 2 will be organized at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in Austria. Hybrid |
1111 November, 2022●(1 event)8:00 am: MATILDE International Conference: Migration and Rural Development8:00 am – 3:30 pm ![]() As the Horizon 2020 MATILDE project draws to a close after 3 years, we are organizing an international conference to share our research findings and to enhance dialogue with key stakeholders and the public. ‘The International MATILDE Conference: Migration and Rural Development’ will be held in Villach, Austria, on 10-11 November 2022. The MATILDE project investigated social and economic impacts of migration in rural, peripheral and mountainous regions of Europe. The MATILDE International Conference will discuss the results from 13 case study regions in 10 participating countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom). It will also highlight ways to promote socially inclusive and territorially balanced growth by stimulating the potential for local development through migration and everyday diversity. The Conference aims to create space for dialogue between researchers, policy-makers and various social and economic milieus in order to provide better responses to the challenges posed by migration and integration governance. The MATILDE Conference is a 2-day event. The theme of Day 1 is “Inclusive and Engaging Rural and Mountainous Areas”. Social, economic and cultural impacts of migration in rural areas within the scope of the MATILDE project will be discussed with panel and roundtable meetings. On the second day, entitled ‘The Future of Living Together in Rural Areas’, MATILDE action research outputs from the Austrian regions of Vorarlberg and Carinthia will be discussed from various perspectives. The Conference will be held at 2 locations. Day 1 will be organized at the Congress Center Villach and Day 2 will be organized at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in Austria. Hybrid |
1212 November, 2022 | 1313 November, 2022 |
1414 November, 2022 |
1515 November, 2022●(1 event)9:00 am: Third meeting of the Rural Digitalisation Forum9:00 am – 1:00 pm ![]() Policies blocking or boosting digital transformation will play a pivotal role in the future of agriculture, forestry and rural areas. Different policy documents and strategies highlight both the significant impacts that digitisation and disruptive technologies might have in rural areas, and the challenges and impacts of these technologies in the EU territories. DESIRA is developing a Policy Roadmap that addresses the main obstacles and policy gaps identified and aligns the digital game changers in agriculture, forestry and rural life to societal needs. It will propose building blocks and policy pathways to support smart, inclusive and sustainable digitisation of rural areas, focusing on integrating the RRI approach and Sustainable Development Goals in the policy process. During the 3rd Rural Digitalisation Forum meeting, participants will support the identification of policy gaps and areas needing attention, as well as the necessary actions to foster digitisation in rural areas. Online |
1616 November, 2022 | 1717 November, 2022 | 1818 November, 2022 | 1919 November, 2022 | 2020 November, 2022 |
2121 November, 2022 | 2222 November, 2022 | 2323 November, 2022 | 2424 November, 2022 | 2525 November, 2022 | 2626 November, 2022 | 2727 November, 2022 |
2828 November, 2022 | 2929 November, 2022 |
3030 November, 2022●●(3 events)All day: EIP-AGRI workshop "Young entrepreneurs - Engines of innovation in rural areas" (30 Nov-1 December 2022) All day ![]() The EIP-AGRI workshop ‘Young entrepreneurs – Engines of innovation in rural areas’ will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on Wednesday 30 November and Thursday 1 December 2022. The workshop will focus on exchanging knowledge and sharing innovative, inspirational practices that can support young entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems in rural areas. Event description and objectivesRural shrinkage, due to ageing populations and rural out-migration of young people, is on the rise in the EU. Currently, about 30% of the EU’s population lives in rural areas (even less in remote areas) but this share is expected to keep decreasing in coming decades. Depopulated rural regions often provide lower incomes and fewer job opportunities. Furthermore, the out-migration of younger, skilled workers results in ageing populations, which hinders generational renewal and the development of rural entrepreneurship and business opportunity. As highlighted in the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas of the European Commission, the impact of these negative demographic trends can hamper the change towards development, opportunity and a more sustainable future of rural areas. Even though rural areas provide significant resources and services, both tangible and intangible (such as natural capital, environmental services, quality of life, culture, tradition and know-how), these are often undervalued, poorly understood and unexplored. Considering all these factors, this workshop will look into existing instruments and opportunities within the EU Common Agriculture Policy (CAP), and within the Research and Innovation programme Horizon Europe (HE), to support and promote young innovators/entrepreneurs and start-ups in rural communities. The event will help to provide and implement new solutions in rural areas, generating increased interest and employment opportunities, and enriching the quality of life in these areas. Overall aimThe overall aim of the workshop is to support young entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems and their actors in rural areas. This will be done by showcasing good practices from EIP-AGRI Operational Groups, Horizon projects and other EU-funded programmes, and by highlighting leadership examples from local communities, and innovators in rural communities. This will demonstrate that rural areas and communities can be an attractive place for internal and external innovators and start-ups, for developing sustainable processes of economic, social, and territorial development. These can be based not only on more innovative and integrated land management practices and diversification of rural businesses, but also as a source of talent and innovators. In relation to this, young people are generally more keen to embrace innovations in different sectors. They can be considered front-runners in strengthening the innovation ecosystems in rural areas, and can contribute to tackling some of the challenges posed by the demographic decline. In addition, this can contribute to a more positive and inclusive image of rural areas, making them more attractive, stimulating rural economies and creating new opportunities as envisaged by the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas. The concept of an enabling environment for entrepreneurship needs a broader, holistic approach. It should show the diversified sources with infrastructure, supported by various public development funds as well as private funds. Cultural contexts change. Therefore, capacity building for innovation in rural areas should be considered a long-term strategy, not only for farming but also for other businesses with orientation of funds that add value for motivating young entrepreneurs that are settling in rural areas. Specific objectives
Target groupThe workshop will focus on good practices of young innovative entrepreneurial initiatives, in different stages of development, in EU rural areas. This will include but will not be limited to farming, forestry and environmental productions and services.
Other participants will include advisors, researchers, representatives from start-ups and other associations, chambers of agriculture, industry, processors, other public and managing entities/bodies, local authorities, and press. Local All day: RURALIZATION SPANISH NATIONAL CONFERENCE: The CAP’s potential to promote generational renewal in rural areas All day ![]() The CAP’s potential to promote generational renewal in rural areas Date: 30 November 2022 Venue: Online via Zoom Event Description: This second Spanish National Conference was co-organised between Consulta Europa (CE) and the Xarxa per a la conservació de la Natura (XCN). The event was organised online in order to involve stakeholders from different provinces and areas of Spain. Michelle Perello (CE) introduced the RURALIZATION project and its latest results. Nora Maristany and Ana Macho (XCN) presented their assessment of the Spanish CAP strategic policies according to its ability to promote generational renewal in rural areas. Finally, there was a round table to discuss the assessment, give feedback but also debate about what measures should be included in the CAP strategic plans in order to genuinely promote generational renewal in rural areas Online All day: THE POTENTIAL OF THE CAP FOR GENERATIONAL RENEWAL IN RURAL AREAS All day ![]() On 30 November, 2022 Consulta Europa and XCN held the National Conference in the framework of RURALIZATION project. The aim of this conference was to propose and share suggestions for the improvement of the national strategic plans of the CAP in order to promote generational renewal in rural areas and, in general, to support the new generations. The RURALIZATION project explores rural areas as a context for economic activities and within this is seeking to understand the new frontiers of regenerative rural development where rural areas possess opportunities for economic and social sustainability for new generations. The new common agricultural policy analysed the factors favouring the development and revitalisation of rural areas in Europe, as well as the identification of good practices focused on favouring access to land and new economic and social opportunities for young people. We need to better understand the key levers to support improved rural generational renewal and regeneration, as well as the barriers inhibiting this process. Online |
11 December, 2022●(1 event)All day: EIP-AGRI workshop "Young entrepreneurs - Engines of innovation in rural areas" (30 Nov-1 December 2022) All day ![]() The EIP-AGRI workshop ‘Young entrepreneurs – Engines of innovation in rural areas’ will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on Wednesday 30 November and Thursday 1 December 2022. The workshop will focus on exchanging knowledge and sharing innovative, inspirational practices that can support young entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems in rural areas. Event description and objectivesRural shrinkage, due to ageing populations and rural out-migration of young people, is on the rise in the EU. Currently, about 30% of the EU’s population lives in rural areas (even less in remote areas) but this share is expected to keep decreasing in coming decades. Depopulated rural regions often provide lower incomes and fewer job opportunities. Furthermore, the out-migration of younger, skilled workers results in ageing populations, which hinders generational renewal and the development of rural entrepreneurship and business opportunity. As highlighted in the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas of the European Commission, the impact of these negative demographic trends can hamper the change towards development, opportunity and a more sustainable future of rural areas. Even though rural areas provide significant resources and services, both tangible and intangible (such as natural capital, environmental services, quality of life, culture, tradition and know-how), these are often undervalued, poorly understood and unexplored. Considering all these factors, this workshop will look into existing instruments and opportunities within the EU Common Agriculture Policy (CAP), and within the Research and Innovation programme Horizon Europe (HE), to support and promote young innovators/entrepreneurs and start-ups in rural communities. The event will help to provide and implement new solutions in rural areas, generating increased interest and employment opportunities, and enriching the quality of life in these areas. Overall aimThe overall aim of the workshop is to support young entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems and their actors in rural areas. This will be done by showcasing good practices from EIP-AGRI Operational Groups, Horizon projects and other EU-funded programmes, and by highlighting leadership examples from local communities, and innovators in rural communities. This will demonstrate that rural areas and communities can be an attractive place for internal and external innovators and start-ups, for developing sustainable processes of economic, social, and territorial development. These can be based not only on more innovative and integrated land management practices and diversification of rural businesses, but also as a source of talent and innovators. In relation to this, young people are generally more keen to embrace innovations in different sectors. They can be considered front-runners in strengthening the innovation ecosystems in rural areas, and can contribute to tackling some of the challenges posed by the demographic decline. In addition, this can contribute to a more positive and inclusive image of rural areas, making them more attractive, stimulating rural economies and creating new opportunities as envisaged by the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas. The concept of an enabling environment for entrepreneurship needs a broader, holistic approach. It should show the diversified sources with infrastructure, supported by various public development funds as well as private funds. Cultural contexts change. Therefore, capacity building for innovation in rural areas should be considered a long-term strategy, not only for farming but also for other businesses with orientation of funds that add value for motivating young entrepreneurs that are settling in rural areas. Specific objectives
Target groupThe workshop will focus on good practices of young innovative entrepreneurial initiatives, in different stages of development, in EU rural areas. This will include but will not be limited to farming, forestry and environmental productions and services.
Other participants will include advisors, researchers, representatives from start-ups and other associations, chambers of agriculture, industry, processors, other public and managing entities/bodies, local authorities, and press. Local |
22 December, 2022 | 33 December, 2022 | 44 December, 2022 |
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