Venue: Digital platform (Zoom)
Date: 16 September 2021
The event is aimed at young people interested in rural development and who want to be an actor of change in their territory in the framework of the long-term vision for rural areas. Its main objective is to present to young people the European Commission’s Communication: A Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas in the European Union.
In addition, the event follows specific objectives:
- To inform about the development of the long-term vision, the participatory process, and to facilitate the transfer of results: the European Commission’s Communication, the basis of the Rural Pact and the Rural Action Plan.
- Encourage young people to participate and reflect on the long-term vision as well as being active agents in the rural development of their territories.
- To create contact networks between young people who are interested in the rural environment.
The event is aimed at young people interested in rural development and who want to be an actor of change in their territory in the framework of the long-term vision for rural areas. Its main objective is to present to young people the European Commission’s Communication: A Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas in the European Union.
More information and registration HERE