Our partners from Shared Assets are hosting the Online Event “Reimagining Public Farmland” as part of the RURALIZATION project in cooperation with CPRE, the countryside charity and EcoRuralis.

One of the main questions of the debate will be “In what ways can we reimagine future of public farmland in Europe together?” Join us for a public discussion on how we might reimagine public farmland as part of a sustainable and just land system!

The event will be held online on March 30th from 11:00 to 12:30 CEST

Learn more about the event:

Public farmland – land that is owned by local authorities – is an often unknown, unacknowledged and underutilised resource inaccessible to the general public. CPRE, NEF, Who Owns England? and Shared Assets recent research has shown how much of it has been sold off over the last 40 years. As part of our recovery from COVID, and in the context of the climate emergency and Brexit, how can we collectively reimagine the purpose and use of public farmland in the England?

During this event, hosted as part of the Europe-wide RURALIZATION project, we will hear from Graeme Willis, Agricultural Lead at CPRE who will tell us about the situation of public farmland in the UK, and take inspiration from Attila Szocs from EcoRuralis on community organising around public and common land in Romania.

These short presentations will be followed by an open discussion in breakout rooms and as a wider group on how we might reimagine public farmland to create a more just and sustainable land system in England. We can’t wait to hear your ideas!

Sign up for the online event by clicking the link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/reimagining-public-farmland-tickets-144396657289