The Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences is a Centre of Excellence leading social science research institute (170 researchers) that was merged in 2012 by the union of four institutions of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: the Institute for Legal Studies, Institute for Minority Studies, Institute for Political Science, and Institute for Sociology. The primary objective of the Centre for Social Sciences is to conduct basic research in social science. Researchers at the Centre conduct both theoretical and empirical research, and the results are disseminated to both the academic and public at scientific and professional events. Beyond research, the Centre provides a forum for domestic social science discussions through the organisation of conferences and the provision of infrastructural support for both the associations of social sciences and their most important social science journals in Hungary. Our researchers also disseminate scientific knowledge by organising conferences for the wider public and by publishing scientific essays and books. The Centre is funded as a part of ELKH by the government, but there are also projects funded by international R&D resources (European Union, International Visegrad Fund, EEA Grants) and also by national programmes (National Research, Development and Innovation Office) and also participate in international research projects as European Social Survey (ESS).
The MTA team also carries out research for RURALIZATION in relation to the future dreams of rural youth, access to land and facilitating rural newcomers and new entrants into farming.

Adrienne Csizmady is the director of the Institute for Sociology, Centre for Social Sciences and associate professor of sociology at Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Szeged. Graduated in sociology (1995), received her PhD in sociology (2001). She has been teaching since 1997. The main fields of her research interests are urban social problems, urban-rural relations, gentrification, suburbanisation e.g. the integration strategies of people moving from town to country. She has led and contributed to several national and international comparative researches.

Gergely Olt is a junior researcher, currently a predoctoral fellow at the Doctoral School of Sociology Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Budapest. He studied economy at Budapest University of Technology and Economics and sociology at ELTE. He participated in several Hungarian research as a research assistant on the topic of urban planning, touristification, gentrification and in one international research programme ‘Sustainable production, consumption, communication’ funded by Norwegian Fund (2009-2011).